Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Moving Monster Gun!

I have a weird story about the Hasbro moving Monster Gun which projected pictures of Monsters on the wall. A school friend named Richard had one of these tucked in his closet. I was over at his house once and thought it was the coolest toy ever made. Richard seized the opportunity and said if i wanted to play with with it, I'd have to pay him, eventhough it was obvious he didn't care for it.

I contemplated just grabbing the gun and making a run for it but Richard's parents lived in the middle of nowhere. Needless to say, our friendship dissolved.

Coming Next Week:

Dawn of the Man-Mates!


  1. Oh my god.. me too, anybody i told about this thing thought i was lying.. it was one of my favorite toys as a kid... i wish i could get one now.... does anybody remember another gun toy that was around at the same time and it shot hotwheels cars, that toy was incredible but i cant remember its name..

  2. There was also a gun like this based on shooting WWI planes as they moved by on the filmstrip.

    Does anyone remember the name of that one?

  3. These were cool , I had the ghost gun =)

  4. I had one of these too and LOVED IT... until my mom decided it was too violent for me and she donated it... which is weird because she's the one who got it for me in the first place.

    Thanks for the post.


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