Friday, March 18, 2016

1980 JC Penny Toy Land Flyer

I am a complete junkie for toy store newspaper flyers, they are just such a wonderfully illustrated time capsule of our childhoods.

This beautiful piece from JC Penny in 1980 is a pretty terrific example of why I love these, so many old friends are here.

From bikes to big wheels, Barbie to Ms Piggy, Fisher Price Little People to Kenner Star Wars, it's a fantastic cross section of Childhood:1980.

More JC Penny Toy Land


  1. Based on the price of the board games vs todays prices, those roller skates were hideously expensive!
    I'll take one of every Star Wars toy, please!

  2. That Fisher Price all in one kitchen was the joy of my childhood. I played with that thing everyday until around 12 years old.


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