Friday, October 31, 2014

Pod Stallions Episode 23: Monster Movies

As we are both lovers of Monster Cinema or some call it "Creature Features" it makes sense for J and B to count down their top ten favourite Monster movies.

By favourite, we do not mean "best" or greatest, just our personal favourites.

Our top tens vary wildly which makes for an interesting discussion, Jason seems to prefer classic film while Brian seems to enjoy mostly junk food. The list wildly ping pongs between the houses of Hammer, Toho, Hemisphere, Independant International and SeƱor Spielbergo.

 Along the way we discuss Karloff, Chaney, Yaphet Kotto, Stephen King, Doctor Who, Paul Naschy, Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee and loads more. 

Happy Halloween from Pod Stallions!

Show Links:

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Costume Spotlight: Goldar from Space Giants

There is nothing I love more than Halloween Costumes based on obscure properties and brother does this fit the bill. Space Giants was a 60's Japanese TV series that ran in syndication until the late 70s. This outfit was actually produced towards in the tail end most likely due to a renewed interest in science fiction due to Star Wars.

This is the first costume I've seen where the character has to explain who he is.

If you have the costume for the series villain Rodak please contact me as I know a very interested party.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Headquarters for Collegeville Costumes

One of the prize pieces from my pal Matt's collection is this awesome vintage vacuform sign and I totally understand why. What a trigger of happy memories this thing is, having this over your desk can only bring happy memories.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Amazing Chan Monster Target Set

My pal Matt sent me this photo and I have to say, I'm a l'il jealous of this killer monster themed rack toy. While a licensed toy (based on the Saturday morning antics of Charlie Chan) it's also got a some copyright infringement going on in regards to it's targets.

Ahem, those gentlemen look familiar, I want this...badly.

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Sweet Smell of Dracula

I couldn't pass this up recently at a flea market, an early 80s Dracula air freshener and it glows in the dark (a total weakness for me). I'm not sure who thought Dracula = fresh smells but i'm a total sucker for this stuff.

Because of me, they have to put that disclaimer.

Friday, October 24, 2014

1976 Ben Cooper Halloween Catalog

Ben Cooper was the leading manufacturer of Halloween costumes and Novelties in the United States during the 1970s.

This extensive 1976 catalog really demonstrates the power house licenses they had from the Universal Monsters and Mickey Mouse, the Superheroes of both Marvel and DC to TV sensations like the Six Million Dollar Man and the Sleestaks, Ben Cooper had almost a stranglehold on what kids liked .

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Atari Halloween

For some reason I didn't add this page to the 1983 Collegeville Catalog when i did it and it only took me 7 years to figure that out. I can't imagine the conversations when the designers were told tha they had to develop a costume for Asteroids but in the end, I can't say I could do better...

BTW i was true blood atari fan, I got in fist fights with Intellivision kids, I still hate George Plimpton...

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Pressman Movie/TV Monster Make UP

It's probably indeterminable how many careers this kit and "flexi flesh" kick started but we're better off for it's existence.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I was elated this year to add another one of these oddball 70s pencil toppers to my collection. These things are totally copying the AHI Super Monsters but I'm not sure they're licensed which makes them more appealing. 

This year I found Frankenstein, which leaves only the Mummy and the awesome green Dracula to find.

If anybody has these guys for sale, please lmk.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Costume Spotlight: Web Woman

I know it seems odd that I'm excited to own a girl's Halloween costume but this is Web Woman, one of the seven of Filmation's "Tarzan and the Super 7" fame that I've been obsessed with since i was 9.

I've been looking for this costume for years and managed to get it for $20, which makes it that much sweeter. Also, I happen to have a willing model right across the hall.

I tried talking her into using it this Halloween but no go.....

Friday, October 17, 2014

The 1975 Azrak Hamway Toy Catalog

In 1975, Azrak Hamway International (AHI) was a toy company on the move producing mainly, low cost rack toys bearing such hot licenses at the time such as Batman, Spider-Man, the Universal Monsters and Star Trek.

It's no surprise that the 1975 catalog is a real treasure trove for any 70s kids, there is so much to see in this fun book that it'd be hard not say "I had that' at least once.

Azrak Hamway Index on PlaidStallions/

1976  AHI Toy Catalog 1977  AHI Toy Catalog

1979  AHI Toy Catalog 1981  AHI Toy Catalog
Universal MOnster toys by AHI Batman Toys by AHI Star Trek Toys by AHI
Planet of the Apes Toys by AHI Spider-Man Toys by AHI Space:1999 Toys by AHI


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bendy Mummy meets the Bendy Wolfman

I've never blogged about these two, the jewels of my bendy collection, the Mummy (with card artwork swiped from the Aurora model) and the Wolfman!

Not sure who this shirtless gentleman is but he's no Lon Chaney Jr.

Unless that money tree i planted blooms, this is the closest I'll ever come to this lagoon dweller....


More AHI at

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Monster Mania by Marx

Monsters seemed to have enjoyed a lot of popularity in the board game market, every year it seemed at least one company would put out a horror themed game of some kind.

I can't say I remember Monster Mania by Marx but i do dig it's copyright infringing Frankenstein with rare neckbolts (most knock off Frankys go for forehead bolts)

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Squirtin' Super Monsters

Over the years, I've waxed a good de about my desire to own these wonderful (and incredibly rare) creations by Azrak Hamway. Seeing them in their carded form (they were introduced in 1975, it seems) only exacerbates the issue.

I'd love to own a carded Creature or Frankenstein one day but I am not sure I'll ever have the opportunity to do so. So strange that I'm smitten with something that once probably cost $.88 cents.

Azrak Hamway Index on PlaidStallions/

1976  AHI Toy Catalog 1977  AHI Toy Catalog

1979  AHI Toy Catalog 1981  AHI Toy Catalog
Universal MOnster toys by AHI Batman Toys by AHI Star Trek Toys by AHI
Planet of the Apes Toys by AHI Spider-Man Toys by AHI Space:1999 Toys by AHI