Friday, January 14, 2011

1975 Kenner Six Million Dollar Man Catalog

In 1975 Kenner Toys grabbed the license to a popular ABC TV series and found themselves with one of the hottest toys of Christmas 1975! Seriously, my mom recalls almost being trampled at the local Kresges when moms lined up to get their limited supply of these.

The line's beginnings were humble however Kenner put a lot of effort into the original figure, where others might have simply phoned in an action figure line Steve had a ton of play value. Kenner reaped great reward from that concept.

1976 Kenner Six Million Dollar Man Catalog 1977 Kenner Six Million Dollar Man Catalog 1978 Kenner Six Million Dollar Man Catalog


  1. Any chance I can order one now? ;)

  2. Dancin' Homer1/14/2011 5:31 PM

    One of the greatest toys of my childhood, my brother and i each got one each for Christmas that year. Though I never quite got why he came with a car engine, of all things, to demonstrate his strength with.

  3. i didn't end up getting one till many years later that i found at a thrift store. of course he didn't have all of his accessories but i was grateful that he was in pretty good shape and at least had his red jump suite.

  4. This brings back so many memories of my childhood. Alongside Star Trek, the Six Million Dollar Man was my absolute favorite show growing up. I had the original Kenner action figure, as well as Maskatron and Oscar Goldman. I really wish I still had all those toys. Even at 45, I could still see myself taking them out of the box and playing with them from time to time. They really don't make toys like they used to.

  5. I got my Six Million Dollar Man action toy for Christmas 1976. I was eight years old, and I still remember how excited I was opening this present from Santa. Steve Austin, along with Captain Kirk were my two biggest heroes of the day. Thanks for bringing back these memories with your blog. As I reach middle age, I often look back to the seventies as the most wondrous, yet most unsettling times of my life. They really were my Wonder Years.


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